Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Tough Sell...

1. Memory of the Day:

Well, my planned MotD didn't pan out b/c Dec's little friend didn't come over to play. But we made the best of it and sang & danced around to the little karaoke machine. Thank goodness for microphones & a hubby who doesn't think I'm crazy when I ask him to put in a stage & mirror in the toy room. The kids LOVE it! :) And I got to snuggle with Lilli for almost 45 minutes while we went through her word family booklet! Perfect! :)

2. Family Update:

Not a whole lot going on today. Dec starts pre-k tomorrow. He's excited! :) Worked on lots of mail prep stuff today--contracts, packaging, supply lists, etc. Oh, I took a pic of the potential pillow fabric. See what y'all think!! And tell me the truth! :) Remember, the wall behind the couch is ultimately going to be turquoise. I like that the cherries are kinda funky cool and the colors are good, but not sure its retro enough to give the flea market vibe that I was wanting, kwim?

3. Cool Inspiration of the Day:
Love this dress. Makes me wish that I was a girly girl...at least for a second. But I'm not, and I'm cheap to boot, so it'll never be mine, but I can glean a little inspiration, right? LOL :)

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